Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Love It Or Hate It

Reverend & The Makers - Silence Is Talking

We've got people looking around our house at the moment. All part of the fun of moving. It's not a great experience, having someone you don't know nosing around your house. Especially when you've got everything packed in boxes and everywhere is a bloody mess.

At the best of times, I'm what could be described as 'touchy'. Not in a tactile way either. More a 'What the fuck do you mean by that?' kind of deal. As I'm getting older, I'm becoming less tolerant and if you consider that, in my teens, I was known as Mr Intolerant, you can imagine where I am now. Strangers in my house 'hmm'ing and 'Oh, you've got that there'ing is testing my limited patience to the max. One bloke came round the other day and he was, shall we say, a bit portly. He was fat actually. Morbidly obese as opposed to Wholesomely obese. Now this isn't a problem to me - you can do what you want with your body, get really fat or get really thin, but don't come into my house, stinking and sweating and proceed to turn your piggy little nose up at my front room. He had one of those shrewish little wives, who didn't speak, but just giggled when he said something. I ended up showing him the kitchen and larder and asking him if he thought they were going to be BIG enough. No room was going to be substantial enough for this behemoth.

Get out of my house!

Everyone else has been really nice...

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