Anyway three things have happened during my week in the wilderness, that I just want to comment on briefly.
Number One - David 'Kung Fu' Carradine died, in suspicious circumstances in a Thai hotel. Was he giving it a bit of autoerotic asphyxiation? Who knows - but what a shitty way to go. Or at least what a really bad way to be found. Dead, tied up with shoelaces, in the bottom of a cupboard. "Under these circumstances we cannot be sure that he committed suicide but he may have died from masturbation." said one police officer. Funny, if it wasn't so sad. RIP Caine
Number Two - a doctor that performed abortions was shot dead by a pro-lifer...Go fucking figure
Number Three - The BNP won a couple of seats at the European Parliment. So way to go you mainstream politicians, so wrapped up in your greedy, self serving, out of touch lives that you let the bastards get a foothold. Even Mosely and his Blackshirts didn't manage to actually get anyone elected! I just hope that now they're in the mainstream, someone can take the opportunity to show them up for the vacuous fearmongers they really are. For a start, ask them how they're going to fill the hole in the economy they create, when they kick all the 'none indiginous' folk out. Is Nick Griffin really the poster boy for 'real' Britishness? I prefer John Lydon
How do you like your eggs, Nick?
Down with that sort of thing.
The Pet Shop Boys have got a new album out. Yes was released on 23rd March and is very good, if not a classic. Fair does to them for still knocking them out (so to speak) after twenty three years.. I've got a soft spot for PSB because they were a band that completely changed my taste in music. At sixteen, I was a denim jacketed rocker, into my Saxon and Slayer. I thought pop was...I can't even imagine what I thought pop was. If it didn't scream and have a guitar solo, I wasn't interested. Then, on the coach to Manchester, some ill advised visit to an art gallery with college, I was handed headphones and told to take a listen to this...
Pet Shop Boys - A Man Could Get Arrested
I did and it, as they say, totally blew me away. From the soaring synth, to the punchy beat, to the cut up vocals, I'd never heard anything like it. I was snared, like a gerbal up your...B-side to West End Girls.
Never looked back.
Pet Shop Boys - I Get Excited
Pet Shop Boys - The Way It Used To Be (Richard X remix)
Next week: My first experience of Danny la Rue...
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