Down here at Squeaky Towers we've got a special little room, where every now and then we drag unsuspecting music types for a damn good grilling...
No, that sounds creepy.
Down here at Squeaky Towers we've got a special little room, decked out in pastels, adorned with faded tapestries, ladened with chez longue, smelling vaguely of green tea and sandle wood, where every now and then we escort a musical artiste and ask them some really harmless questions. The sort of thing that won't come back and haunt them at a later date.
In the comfy seat tonight, are Corry and Dacosta, from Audiofun. I ask them seven questions, they try their hardest to answer without dropping off. That's the challenge.
Here we go -
SS: You've got a steaming Radox bath ready. What's going on the stereo?
CORRY: Men at Work – Land Down Under
DACOSTA: Am I alone or have I got company? Joke! Probably some Bruce Springsteen or a bit of Saint-Saens!
SS: Big night,the crowds a bit restless, what tune are you going to drop to get their attention?
CORRY: Tiga – Mind Dimension 2 (Soulwax Mix), filthy bass and quirky lyrics. People will definitely take notice
DACOSTA: Maybe MSTRKRFT – Vuvuvu. Its subjective though, all depends on the venue etc.
SS: Marty McFly is sitting outside in the Delorean. He wants to know which year you want to go back to. While you're there, you manage to pick something up. What is it you bring back? (bear in mind that millions of people may well never be born as a result of your choice)
CORRY: Probably the 80s to be honest. I would bring back (or forward) a Korg MS-20 and a Juno 106, monsters!
DACOSTA: A lottery ticket from last week or go back to 1980 and kidnap Robert De Niro!
SS: What's your first musical memory?
CORRY: My dad used to do some haulage driving when I was a nipper and I always remember him playing M-People CDs and me absolutely hating it. Good times though!
DACOSTA: Being Cinderella in a nursery school musical. I was as cute as a button!
SS: The power's gone out at the club you're playing!!! What talent do you have that could stop the fractious crowd smashing the place up?
CORRY: I do a badass karaoke version of Men at Work – Land Down Under. She can vouch for that!
DACOSTA: I'm a woman of many talents but I think I’d try and use my powers of persuasion and encourage some of the chicks to start streaking . . . that or run out the back door!
SS: Someone gives you a cinema for the night. What films are you going to show?
CORRY: Better be an IMAX!!! Would watch the new Star Trek again definitely. If she were with me I would want some horror films. They terrify Da Costa and it’s hilarious to watch!
DACOSTA: Casino, Scarface, The Godfather 1 and 2 (3rd one sucked), The Quiet Man and a whole lot of Diagnosis Murder! Dick Van Dyke is my hero!
SS: Beatles or the Stones?
CORRY: Don’t really know a lot about either to be honest but my house mate is a big Stones fan so I will say them. There ya go Bill ;)
DACOSTA: Rather have Hendrix or Dylan but pushed into a corner I would have to pick the Stones. Sympathy For The Devil is an awesome tune!
SS: Hmm - you seem to have passed the challenge. What's next for Audiofun?
CORRY: We have a couple of Vinyl EPs coming out on “On The Brink Records” which I cant wait for! Dirty Gold is coming out soon on FREEK Records and we have some very big and interesting remixes/collaborations coming soo so keep checking the myspace!
Big thanks to Audiofun for the interview. As they were leaving they slipped me these...
Watch this space...
Dirty Gold - Audiofun
Numbers - Audiofun
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