As bankers waved £10 notes out of the windows of the banks, at the protesters below, and the police, forgetting that they're public servants, not security for the banks and Greggs, whacked the heads of anyone that looked remotely grungey, people around the country expressed different views. Some were pleased that finally someone was representing their anger at the colossal fuck up the banks have made of everything. Even hiding a middle class smile when the 'anarchists' smashed a couple of windows at RBS. Effigys of bankers were burned from lamposts, grannies marched with teen rebels and the media waited for a giant Poll Tax style riot that never materialised. Some suggested turning on water cannon on the crowd, moaning that the thousands massed in the streets should 'get a bloody job', missing the point that many of these 'layabouts' were now out of work because of the very banks they were protesting against.
Meanwhile, in the corridors and plush halls of power, twenty leaders promised to come up with a plan to save us all from the giant mess they'd created. Most of the experts you heard said, to paraphrase, that there was fuck all chance of anything being achieved and that after the politics were over they would all go their merry little way and do their own thing, for their own country. Screw international cordance and cordiality. This was really just a chance to get some Jamie Oliver bakewell tart
Anyway this is the song of the moment for me
On a lighter note, heres Nicolas Sarkozy proving what you can do if you're a bit porky and short, but the head of a really big country. Hmm Carla Bruni

Oh and here's the new Kasabian tune, for those that haven't got it already
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